My story

Hi, my name is Anya!

Some background on my life... I was born and raised here in Michigan, and love it here! I grew up in a family of 6. I have two sisters and one brother. We are all very close and family is very important to me. I looooove animals and have two English Bulldogs! I got married to my high school sweetheart in 2019. We welcomed our sweet baby girl, Rose, into the world in 2023. I'm currently pregnant with my second daughter and anxiously awaiting her arrival in Janurary 2025! Becoming a mother has been a pure joy and brought me a whole new love for photography. Every moment is so precious and doesn't last long enough.

I have always had a love for capturing pictures and turning this passion into a career has been a dream come true! These past few years I have been blessed with so many wonderful clients that have made my business such a success!

Some fun facts about me...I'm allergic to gluten and dairy. So if you're a wedding client you don't have to worry about feeding me, I'm always the weirdo with a lunch box at weddings! I'm a Central Michigan alumni, I have a minor in American Sign Language and love working with the Deaf community!! I have also nannied for years and have a special place in my heart for all kiddos!

If you have any questions at all feel free to reach out, I'm always happy to help!!